Tag Archive | Love

Love and Food Addiction

There is a reason people are addicts. No one chooses an addiction, especially a food addiction. Why would they?

Obesity runs rampant in the United States because it has become so easy to eat unhealthy foods. The quest for instant gratification flies in the face of honoring these bodies we wear from the time we are born to the time we die.

Fast food is easy, not as cheap as it used to be but still cheap, over-processed, and unprepared to provide the body with nutrition.

Fast, over-processed food is not meant to provide you with nutrients. It is meant to taste good and fill you up and that is what it does.

There is no energy involved. In fact, most people feel like sleeping after they eat at a fast food restaurant.

There is no love in fast food. It is salty, often greasy, full of fats–that’s why it makes you feel full temporarily–and it ruins your health.

Where is the love you used to taste in homemade pot roast with mashed potatoes made from real potatoes and fresh vegetables that we didn’t call veggies and say you had to eat them because they were good for you?

Food is supposed to be good for you. Food was once a way to express love.

But something happened along the way. Instead of enjoying all the tastes, flavors, and sensual feelings a meal once provided, food has become a tool to stuff down feelings and pretend it’s okay to be alone, ignored, and undervalued.

Food doesn’t feel good anymore. And most of the time, it doesn’t make those eating it feel the pleasure or nutritional benefits food is meant to provide.

This is particularly true for people with a food addiction.

Food addicts are missing an important, life-enriching nutrient from their daily lives. It’s not food we hunger for. It is love.

Love is the feast that fills you up but not out. It fills up your senses and tames your wildest hungers.

I am not talking about sex. I am talking about love. Without love, one can not overcome a food addiction.

With love, you can. It’s as simple as that.

It’s Never Too Late to Be Great! ®

Forget About Your Food Addiction for a Moment

When we are troubled about something, especially something like a food addiction or an emotional eating problem like binge eating, it’s hard not to focus our attention on it.

However, since we attract to ourselves that which we place the most attention on, it’s a good idea to forget about our food addictions for as many moments as possible throughout the day.

The best way I’ve found to do this is to focus your thoughts and attention on the good things in your life and the things you like about yourself.

Let those things you like about yourself and your life overshadow the dread of measuring up to what society or your friends think you should look like. That only makes the food addiction worse.

We are who we are. And when we can become whatever we want to be, we will still be who we are. The best parts of ourselves are always with us, even when we forget about them.

We can’t change the past, so let it go and concentrate on the present. Forget about your food addictions and use food to change your life and your body to the way you want it to be.

We can have a simple win every day by focusing our attention on those things that will bring us what we desire. It’s hard at first, but it gets easier with practice.

Speak kindly to yourself, with respect and honor, and most of all, with love. The love energy of the heart will help to alleviate the emotional pain the fear energy of the mind can cause.

Create your own life anew each and every moment and you will have enough good memories to make you forget about your food addiction and enjoy your own beautiful self in your own new beautiful life.

Fear and Food Addiction

Fear has a way of getting in your head and drawing you to the things you want most to avoid. When you focus too strongly on your fears,  what you fear comes to control you.

If you’re a food addict, you might fear food because of the power it can wield over you at moments of emotional vulnerability. If you do fear food, you’re in a rough spot.

We have to eat in order to live so this is one time when you have no choice but to overcome your fear of food. The more you fear something, the more you draw it to you. It’s the Law of Attraction in the worst way.

There’s a lot you can say about fear, but I just want to say this: You either come from your heart or your mind. If you’re heart-centered, you’re in the love and trust zone. If you’re letting your mind rule the roost, you will be saddled with fear and doubt.

Since food addictions are linked to unresolved emotional trauma, there is usually an injured heart involved. Where there is not enough love, fear steps in and fills the void.

The rescue remedy for today is to fill your heart with love whenever you feel afraid. Let the mind be, and feel the love. Capture a happy moment, a memory, a sunset, a time when you felt free and alive.

Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and feel the moment. Fully experience that moment of happiness when fear was nowhere to be found.

Use this simple exercise to fill your heart with love. Go within where there is no fear. Trust your inner being, which is the source of true power.

Food addiction cannot stand against love because it is powered by fear. Fear and love do not co-exist.

Corny as it may sound, if  you practice choosing love, the habit of doing so will help you overcome your food cravings and bring you the greater gift of peace of mind.

Food Addiction and Wellness

Those two terms don’t seem to fit together, but they can. Overcoming a food addiction takes work. When you’re ready to do the work, you can make it happen for yourself.

I’ve talked about stuffing down your emotions, feeling compelled to eat certain foods at certain times in response to specific emotions. I cannot say enough about the importance of keeping a daily journal.

What every food addict wants more than anything in the world when they feel out of control is to feel in control again.

Wellness, oddly enough, is rarely an issue when we feel like we are in control of our lives. What is easy to forget sometimes is that we can be in control only in the present moment. Once the moment is past, we have no control over it. We cannot change anything by reliving it.

We have choices in every moment until that moment is gone. Food addicts  tend to eat in response to deep-seated emotional trauma that can surface at any given time to remind us of our victimization. Yes, usually a food addict has been victimized in some way at some point in their life.

It could be a lost love, the death of someone important to the person, a terrible decision that changed your life forever. Now the experience or fragments of it remain locked inside awaiting release.

The pain of remembering “how it used to be” or “what happened back then” is more than the food addict can bear sometimes. And so we eat, until we are able to release the pain. And then we’re okay again, back in the moment.

Wellness is a great goal for anyone. Freedom may seem distant, recovery long, but there is always now. Now is where freedom lives. Now is where wellness rests. Now is the best time to be alive, to be anything.

Now will never come again, and it doesn’t need to. When you fully experience each moment, now seems to last forever.