Archive | January 2010

Fear and Food Addiction

Fear has a way of getting in your head and drawing you to the things you want most to avoid. When you focus too strongly on your fears,  what you fear comes to control you.

If you’re a food addict, you might fear food because of the power it can wield over you at moments of emotional vulnerability. If you do fear food, you’re in a rough spot.

We have to eat in order to live so this is one time when you have no choice but to overcome your fear of food. The more you fear something, the more you draw it to you. It’s the Law of Attraction in the worst way.

There’s a lot you can say about fear, but I just want to say this: You either come from your heart or your mind. If you’re heart-centered, you’re in the love and trust zone. If you’re letting your mind rule the roost, you will be saddled with fear and doubt.

Since food addictions are linked to unresolved emotional trauma, there is usually an injured heart involved. Where there is not enough love, fear steps in and fills the void.

The rescue remedy for today is to fill your heart with love whenever you feel afraid. Let the mind be, and feel the love. Capture a happy moment, a memory, a sunset, a time when you felt free and alive.

Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and feel the moment. Fully experience that moment of happiness when fear was nowhere to be found.

Use this simple exercise to fill your heart with love. Go within where there is no fear. Trust your inner being, which is the source of true power.

Food addiction cannot stand against love because it is powered by fear. Fear and love do not co-exist.

Corny as it may sound, if  you practice choosing love, the habit of doing so will help you overcome your food cravings and bring you the greater gift of peace of mind.

Overeating at Bedtime

I don’t know why but it seems that even as adults, some of us just don’t want to go to bed, no matter how tired we are. Maybe it’s what bedtime represents–the end of a day that we don’t want to end.

Even on the most unproductive of days, it’s hard to say good-night and call it a day. And what better way to avoid going to bed than by eating?

Evenings can get lonely. When you’ve had a great day but have no one to share it with, food is often the substitute. Whether you are an emotional eater, a person with a food addiction, or just a regular person who doesn’t want the day to be over, night time eating can be a menace.

For one person, it could be that extra five pounds–I wish. For me, it’s that extra twenty-five pounds, and for someone else, it might be an extra fifty or more pounds. Being overweight is a problem for many people, and it doesn’t matter how much extra weight we’re carrying.

Overeating at bedtime is a big mistake. It’s a real temptation. Even when we go the entire day without binging, craving or faltering, when darkness falls, the comfort of food beckons.

Of course, the simplest thing is just to go to bed when you’re tired. Let the day be what it is, have a cup of tea, or take a nice bath, read a book. Relax for an hour and embrace sleep.

Sleep rejuvenates the body in a way that nothing else can. Make sleep a priority if you want to take the weight off and keep it off. Yes, it’s true, especially for food addicts.

A food addiction will not make you skinny like some other addictions may, but you’ll miss the problems that inevitably accompany other addictions .

Tonight, the remedy is simple. Get some sleep. When you’re sleeping, you’re not eating. And more importantly, you are re-charging your batteries. All that renewable energy will help you burn fat.

So go to bed already. No more food for the night, just sweet dreams. They have no calories.

Happy New Year! Let’s Lose Some Weight!

Well, here we are once again, standing on the edge of a brand new year. This is the time when people make their list of New Year’s resolutions and hope to heck they can keep at least one of them.

According to, the resolution that tops the list of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is “Lose Weight”. But did we really need a survey to tell us that?

In the multibillion dollar weight loss industry there is probably a plan for everyone. The hard part is finding the one that will work for you.

There are many people who would like to drop a few pounds. Some will talk about it and wish for it, and some will actually do it. There is a lot of trial and error involved in weight loss, which is what makes it so frustrating.

We see ads and commercials every day that tell us, “If I can do it, anybody can do it” but that isn’t necessarily true, is it. After all, we are individuals whose bodies do not all respond in like ways to all foods and weight loss treatments.

There is one thing, however, that works for everyone. When you have had a problem with overeating, binging or food addiction, chances are good that you have a lot of buildup in your colon.

When we consume more food than the body can digest, more energy than it can burn, the result is the storage of fat. But that’s not all that happens.

We have internal plumbing in the form of intestines. Those drain pipes get pretty slimed up as we stuff ourselves with cheeses, chips, sweets, pasta, dairy and who  knows what else.

Water, fresh fruit and vegetables help to clean out some of the buildup but sometimes that’s not enough.

The large bowel, or colon, holds the key to to your energy and good health. If you have low energy, gas and bloating, indigestion, irregularity or acid reflux, you may need to check your plumbing.

The best weight loss results start with cleaning out the colon. Once the pipes are unclogged, things will flow more smoothly, your health will return and losing weight will be easier.

Click here to learn more about how to cleanse your colon and start losing those unwanted pounds.