Everyone was buying cards and candy at the store today. Lots and lots of candy. How can you kick the habit when every time you turn around, there’s another reason to eat for no reason except to celebrate a reason to eat.
Yeah, it does sound confusing, but it’s true. What can I say? Our society revolves around eating, not food, but eating.
So what’s a food addict to do? You can’t give up everything but if you give in to temptation, how do you do it without falling off the wagon? I can’t answer that one all by myself, so if anyone has a comment, chime in and share it.
Food addicts, emotional eaters, and overeaters share enough rough patches. We need our special days too, those days when we can just enjoy life without all the woulda, coulda, shouldas haunting us every time we take a bite.
Since food happens to be part of life, I guess we’ll just have to find a way to work things out so we can enjoy that too, even on the special days.