I was thinking today about doing something special for myself. It was just one of those days that seemed to pass without much ado.
Not boring exactly, but not spectacular. Here it came, and there it went. And now here it is 11:00 o’clock at night. Oh, well.
As it turned out, I spent most of the day doing laundry and housework, and ironing. Yes, I still iron. I like my blouses nice and crisp looking, and I like the way cotton feels on my body.
I find cotton clothing very comfortable. Remember, comfort is key. Be comfortable and you won’t even give a thought to your friends in the refrigerator. Let ’em rot!
Funny how when I think about doing something special for me, somehow I end up mowing the grass or cleaning the kitchen.
I like it when things look tidy and organized. I like the look of a lawn when it’s well-groomed. It makes me feel like I deserve to take a break. It makes me feel clear, even rich.
The problem with always doing those regular maintenance duties first is that you never seem to find the time to do something special for yourself, as if it has to be an either/or choice.
You have the time or you wouldn’t be able to do all the “necessary” things. You just can’t seem to find it when it comes to you.
There is always that excuse that you can’t afford a 30-minute massage or a $25 pedicure or a $7.50 movie. But isn’t it interesting that we have it to spend on junk food and nibbles, stuffing down our emotions and hiding away from the world?
I find it hard to put myself first sometimes, but I’m getting better at it. And, wonder of wonders, when I actually make myself get a massage, my food addiction dissolves into thin air, albeit temporarily.
So why don’t I do it more often? I don’t know, but I definitely need to work on that.
The next time I have “one of those days”, I’m going to do something special for myself first.
Maybe I should start doing regular maintenance on me first, and let the lawn do the waiting, instead of the other way around.
I’ll bet I can find the time then. What do you think?