I’m Fat and That’s That!

Some people wear their feelings on their sleeves. Food addicts often wear them on their stomach, hips, and thighs. Isn’t that special?

Everything in life is a temporary situation. It’s important for those of us who battle food addiction to remember that.

Right now, I feel like a walking commercial for Lipozene. I had an accident, went through a painful three months and ate my way through it, figuring I could just burn it off again after my knee surgery.

The surgery will probably happen eventually but for right now, a year after the accident, I’m fat. And I’m old–not real old but a young senior. Is that one of those oxymorons? When you’re a fat, old, food addict, life sucks. Temporarily.

Those are the times when I just have to say, “I’m fat and that’s that. And stop asking me if I’m okay”.

We get ourselves into overeating and emotional eating messes, and feel like it’s the end of the world. It’s just the food addiction sprinkling a little shame around and making you feel pathetic. That way you’ll eat more.

Bringing myself back to this present moment means admitting I jumped off the wagon and I need to face the music. First the facts, and then the music.

Yes, I am a food addict. I do have a food addiction. Sometimes I don’t have the slightest desire to give in to it. I have an eating plan, not a diet, that works for me when I follow it.

However, I have not recovered from my knee injury and will probably have to have surgery. Until I do, I won’t be able to enjoy some of the non-food joys of life so I have to admit where I am and be okay with it.

I’m fat and that’s that, and stop asking me if I’m okay. I don’t have time to humor you by acting pathetic. I need to get on with my life. 

Emotional trauma makes me eat. It soothes me but it’s –right–temporary. I’m not trying to be normal. I’m just trying to be me.

Emotional eating is a problem for many people. Food addiction is a problem for many people. We all have emotions, and everyone expresses emotion differently.

We get stressed and we behave a certain way. I get nervous and I eat. It’s as simple as that. It’s easy, it’s fast, and it works, temporarily.

When all that energy builds up inside me I feel like I’m going to explode.  You might want to take cover. And don’t ever miss a chance to exercise your sense of humor. Did you know laughing is good for your abs?

Accept me or not. I know who I am and who I am becoming and it’s okay if you don’t get it because I get it. And, by the way, I’m okay.

Isn’t self-talk great?!

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