What’s normal? If there is some pattern that every food addict can follow to get rid of food addictions forever, I’ve yet to see it– in print, anyway.
Everyone is unique. Food addiction is an affliction that plagues many women, and men as well. Since emotional eating or emotional anything is usually associated with women, it stands to reason that female food addicts are spoken of more often than male food addicts.
Because everyone is unique, their nutritional needs and patterns may not fit or even resemble those of others. Keeping the physical body in balance is a daunting task, and an ongoing one.
Our basic needs may be the same from day to day but the intricacies of each individual person’s needs cannot possibly be categorized and labeled as you would a can of peas.
Eating every couple of hours seems to be best for maintaining blood sugar and keeping the body in balance. However, there are obviously many opinions about what and how much a person should eat to attain and maintain one’s ideal weight.
What is one’s ideal weight? Who thought that up and how many people had to believe it for it to become the standard by which all people, especially those who are “over-weight” are measured?
The number of diets and weight-loss programs available today should be an indication of how well that measurement works. Goals have to be measurable if you are to know when you have reached yours.
Food addiction is not something that is impossible to overcome. It does, however, require a personal plan, one that is tailored to you and your body size and type.
Most important of all, you must have a support system in order to succeed in your endeavor to overcome habits like overeating, emotional eating, and food addictions, which sometimes develop over a lifetime.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of friendship in changing your life for the better. People who love and accept you for who you are now will love and respect you as you evolve into an even greater you.
Are you a food addict, orĀ are you a person with a food addiction? How do you see yourself?
One day you will learn the reason for your emotional eating. You will identify the source of your food addiction, the feelings you are stuffing down by overeating.
Be prepared for that day. When it comes, you won’t need your food addiction anymore. It will fall away because there will be no emotional pain to draw it to you. And you will be free.