
#1 Fat Loss Secret for Food Addicts

There are many weight loss products on the market today. The overweight woman with a food addiction is always looking for the next, newest, and best yet cure to counteract the effects of emotional eating.

There are books you can read–some really good ones–about all the different ideas about food addicts, how they get that way, and tips for weight loss. There are diets you can go on–tons of them, and information about emotional eating from many different sources.

The thing is, food addiction nearly always leads to weight gain. What you used to do to lose weight when you first started overeating, doesn’t work now. The emotional eating has changed your body’s response to food.

The weight gain adds to the stress and the response to the stress leads to overeating. You can’t read fat away and you can’t diet it away. And it’s not the weight that is causing the problem. It’s the fat.

You either kill the fat or it kills you. That narrows your choices, but not your options.

Most food addicts are overweight, and some are obese. Every body is different when it comes to how we absorb nutrients and metabolize fat. But certain conditions are present in every case.

The rate of food consumption and the greasy, salty, sugary, carbohydrate-laden, or dairy-based foods like ice cream and frozen yogurt (my personal favorite) conspire to slime up your intestines and give your body the what for.

These substances, eaten at the rate they eaten, without enzymes to aid digestion, maybe an antacid to quell the upset stomach after the binge, combine to make a putrid, slimy substance that coats the colon and stays there.

You have to get rid of that gunk before you start on your fat loss program. Then after you get rid of it, you can start eating foods that heal your body and restore your health.

This is the #1 fat loss secret that most people don’t even know about. Not weight loss, fat loss.  Click here to find out more. Learn about cleaning out that gunk, and you’ll be amazed and thrilled with your results.

After the #1 Fat Loss Secret comes Step #2. It’s called Eating for Energy. Now that you’re plumbing is cleaned out, you’re ready to take off those pounds and feel great again.

That’s enough for today. Try the #1 Fat Loss Secret for Food Addicts, the top secret information you won’t get from your medical doctor. Knowledge is power. Energize!

Food Addiction Time Zones

Unlike other addictions, food addictions have time zones, blocks of time when you are most vulnerable to emotional eating.

My time zone is in the early evening and then the late evening. Mornings are no threat at all, no matter where I am or what I am doing.

Mornings are the best time for me. I have the most energy then.The hours from 5:00 AM to 2:00 PM are my most productive.

I am more organized, more creative, and more on target. I get more accomplished during those nine hours than I do at any other time during the day.

The mornings are when I feel most alive. When I am able to sleep for 5 hours in a row, which is rare, I am in heaven. Nothing can get me down. I am unstoppable.

Until 3:00 o’clock. That’s when my energy is on its way down and my creativity and productivity come to a standstill. The grey clouds of vulnerability start to gather.

I am out of energy, and I haven’t mastered the fine art of napping, so my body  feels stressed. I get agitated and uncomfortable. Stress is a big contributor to emotional eating.

Even if I have just eaten an hour earlier, if I’m in the zone, my food addiction kicks in, and I feel like I am starving.

Food addiction is subtle at the onset. It’s upon you before you even realize it. You are very likely not hungry at all, but you do need comfort and support.

You might sit down and put your feet up, take a bubble bath, get a massage, or visit with a friend, all things that would comfort and calm you.

But you are stressed, and you may not have a lot of options, and your friends in the refrigerator are calling.  When you’re feeling vulnerable your food addiction can take over.

If you are not able to avail yourself of some stress-reducing non-food remedy such as those previously mentioned, you may choose a quick fix.

And why not? It makes perfect sense in the moment. There’s no question that food will reduce  the stress temporarily. However, when “temporarily” wears off, you’re in trouble.

There are signs, but we don’t  always read in time. Sometimes we don’t even see them in time.

Food addictions, and the emotional eating brought on by them, create feelings so powerful that you choose food over everything else. If you are to overcome your food addiction, you have to be prepared for those vulnerable times.

When your hormones are out of balance, your brain gets confused. It doesn’t know how to interpret the signals. Stress signals starvation to the brain, so it instructs the body to seek out food.

One of the best remedies is to know your time zone. Recognizing the signals before you get too far out of balance can ward off emotional eating.

Here are some questions to ask yourself that will help you identify your food addiction time zone:

When do you have the most energy? Morning, afternoon, or evening? When it is daylight or when it is dark?

When do you seem to accomplish the most? Early in the morning? Not before noon? After dark? Be as specific as possible.

When does your mind seem most clear? When is it easy to focus and to get thinks done? What time of day do you seem to waste a lot of time and not accomplish much?

What time of day do you feel the happiest? The most inspired? The most self-motivated?

Some people are morning people like me. Others stay up half the night and sleep until noon. There is no best time of day that is the same for everyone. We are all different.

As adults, we can manage our own lives. In fact, we must. It is far healthier and infinitely less stressful to live our lives in harmony with body, mind, and spirit.

Pay attention and you will be able to identify your food addiction time zone. Then you can plan your trip back to the neutral zone where you rule and your food addiction cannot ensnare you.

Can Food Addiction Shorten Your Life?

Since giving in to food addictions is a response to heavy duty stress, the answer to that question has to be “Yes”. Stress is the main cause of death by so-called natural causes, such as heart attack and stroke.

Cardiovascular disease gets the credit but how do we get there? What do you have to do to put so much strain on your body that it cannot ward off diseases? What is so natural about death by stress?

Less than half a century ago, ulcers were thought to be the only thing stress caused.

The original study decades ago of the effect of aspirin on the heart did not include women because it was thought that women had nothing to be stressed about.

There were no food addictions even though there were. Certain things were not talked about, and the doctor was the expert on your body, even though he saw you once a year for twenty minutes and you lived with your body 365 days a year.

Now that obesity has become such a problem and we now know that stress is closely related to the risk of disease and the length of life, it is important that we examine closely our eating habits.

Everything has a label now and an abbreviation. When people talk about diseases they sound like parents spelling out something they don’t want their children to know about.

Food addiction is serious because it is the abuse of food, not out of control eating but eating when we are out of control.

It’s no different than hitting something. We just do it to ourselves rather than someone else. Food should be a servant, not a master. We think it is one thing, but it quickly becomes another.

A food addiction may start out as comforting yourself with food after a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend, a disappointment over getting a lower test score than you hoped for, or even good old-fashioned loneliness.

The problem with using food as a response to stress is that it makes you even more stressed when the effects become apparent.

The more you know about why you use food to ease your emotional pain or soothe away tension, the more you can help yourself.

Because stress affects hormone levels, it can cause all kinds of problems. Add to that a food addiction and it becomes  more complicated and more dangerous.

Know thyself. Keep a journal of your feelings. Explore what it is that makes you happy, what makes you distressed, and what makes you eat.

Instead of stuffing down those feelings, write them down. It will take you one step closer to overcoming your food addiction, and it might even add years to your life.