
AC-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive

That’s the title of a song by one of the greatest American songwriters of all time, Johnny Mercer. What does that have to do with food addiction, you may ask?

Simply stated, to someone with a food addiction, everything is relative. The second line to that song says “eliminate the negative”.

When you’re struggling with a food addiction, it’s pretty easy to get down on yourself, think of all the things you should be doing and aren’t.

But what about the good things you’re doing? Your simple wins for the day? How about that great deal you got on something you had planned to buy last week for more money?

How about the way you stood up for yourself at the car repair shop? That ticket you won when you called in to the radio show? The surprise and elation you felt when someone told you that you are awesome.

Maybe getting over the food addiction is less important then learning how the chemicals in your brain work when you crave food, or finding out what your triggers are.

Maybe it’s smarter to sign up for a walking group than to tell yourself you are stupid or worthless because you feel isolated and small. You can kill two birds with one stone with that one. Exercise and companionship—what a great combination!

And just maybe you could think about how truly awesome you really are, and how even more awesome you will be tomorrow. Remember to leave out the word “if”.

Don’t focus on the negative stuff. Dealing with stress and food addiction is negative enough. Focus on what you want to attract, not what you don’t.

In other words, accentuate the positive! And sing your best song–out loud!

Food For Thought

Today was a very long day, and not as productive as I would have liked. I felt more fatigued than usual, even though I slept no more or less than I do most nights.

I seemed more easily agitated than I normally am. There was too much activity with few opportunities to rest.

I was less hungry but ate more of the foods I usually avoid. While I got all 22 items on my “to do” list completed, none of them seemed relevant to the accomplishment of my goals.

In reflection, today I had no feelings about food addictions yet I embraced mine feeling nothing. How can something so powerfully overwhelming one day feel like nothing the next?

Perhaps the answer will come to me during sleep when my body has a chance to realign itself and regain its state of balance.

So much goes on beneath the surface and yet we have all the answers inside. It is up to us to ask the questions that will allow us to sidestep the conscious mind and reveal the truth in our hearts.

Keep It Simple

Life can get so stressed and complicated that little things send us over the edge. I’ve had a couple of those days lately.

It’s amazing how a good night’s sleep–for me that’s 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep and it doesn’t happen often–can bring you back to the simple life where you can remember what’s important and what isn’t.

As a food addict, keeping stress to a minimum is something I have to practice daily. Insomnia has a way of making simple things seem complicated, and complicated things seem impossible.

As a confirmed possibility thinker, I am always on the lookout for things that allow me to bring it back to the center when sleeplessness triggers my most challenging bouts with food addiction.

Today I would like to share a resource with you that can help you simplify your life. It does take discipline but it doesn’t take a lot of time, and if you use it daily, it will keep you on track.

I have taught these principles in my personal empowerment workshops for years, but I think Mark Joyner has distilled them into a form that is easy for anyone to understand and follow on their own. At least, it was for me.

Personal empowerment is both a goal and a tool to help you reach your other goals. We are all teachers and we are all learners. Information is the commodity we trade. Information is the single most critical factor in my day-to-day dealings with my food addiction.

Whenever I am able to share something really empowering that has worked for me, I don’t hesitate. So if you’re ready to simplify your life, you can learn how at