
Pucker Foods for Food Addicts

Are you ready to pucker up and kiss some of that emotional overeating, food addiction fat good-bye? Well, these two foods will definitely help you in that department. And they’re good for you, but you probably don’t want to hear that.

Food addicts and over-eaters of all kinds often don’t care if a food is good for you or not–at least not in the addiction state. We just eat whatever is there, as long as it’s very salty or very sweet or very something to match the intense emotions we feel when we eat helplessly.

But hey, we have our sane moments when our emotions are okay. It is in those moments that we have the opportunity to do things that support our body’s needs. It’s a chance you don’t want to pass up.

Lemons and vinegar are two really effective fat-burners and here’s why. They help you get your body out of its acid state  into alkalinity.  That’s when healing takes place. You can’t heal anything in an acid state. When you’re dealing with too many plumped up fat cells, your body is under duress, and it needs to heal.

I have two lemon trees in my back yard. This year, I’m really making the most of them. Lemons are great. I use half a fresh lemon in a glass of iced tea a few times a day. I drink a lot of iced tea. And I use the pink stuff. I confess.

You can squeeze one or two lemons over chicken or fish before you put it in the oven or on the grill. You can also just use a slice of lemon in water if you’re not nuts about the blank flavor of water. It does make a difference in the taste. And your body will thank you for it.

Another great food is vinegar. My favorite is balsamic vinegar. I put it on fish when I bake it and use it in stews and baked beans, as well. Vinegar also takes the acid out of things.

If you use balsamic vinegar on meat and fish when you’re baking it, or even in a pot roast or chili, you will find that you won’t have gas or get heartburn.

There’s no need to stuff yourself with good food. It  defeats the purpose of eating angry panic foods to stuff down your feelings like we do when we are stressed and uncomfortable.

Good food is a treat. And while you may add one of these two liquids for damage control, you’ll love what it does for your food and your body.

If you like baked fish, like New England Scrod or Alaskan Salmon as I do, squeeze a generous amount of fresh lemon juice and balsamic vinegar over your fish before you put it in to bake. You will be amazed at the incredible sauce the combination makes. Of course, it makes any fish taste fabulous.

The combination also works well on sweet red and orange  peppers. Bake the pepper strips until they look like they’ve been fried.

No fat and so delicious, you can eat them as a snack if you bake them long enough. Pay attention to the aroma so you’ll know when to take them out. Imagine eating something that tastes as good as potato chips and doesn’t give you heartburn or gas.

I hope you’ll give it a try. Sometimes little changes in our daily meals can make all the difference in the world.

Back on Track

Sometimes life just throws you a curve and you don’t get out of the way in time. It’s tough standing in the middle of a field not going left or right. Sometimes you just need to stand there until you figure it out.

It’s true that when you are still and in the moment, the right place and time seem to find you. Timing isn’t about being “there”. It’s about being “here”. After all, when you arrive, you are always “here”.

I observe the way things are changing in the food arena, and I don’t like what I see. Tonight, I drove to Sam’s Club to buy a Honeysuckle White boneless turkey breast . Until recently, Sam’s Club was the only place I could find this boneless turkey “roast”.

After a long and challenging few months where stress reigned and food seemed to take the pain away, I am able to make the commitment to get back on track. I didn’t find what I was looking for at Sam’s. No clean meat there anymore. Everything is fried, processed, and highly salted.

I used to be able to get Atlantic cod loins and salmon that didn’t taste like you were chewing on a wet rag. Now, it’s only pizza, greasy rolls stuffed with oily cheese, high fat dairy items, and of course plenty of chips and candy. Who the heck can live like that?

I’ve watched the quality of foods decline as they are shipped half way around the world. I see people who are huge, without energy, and relegated to motorized scooters just to get around their homes. I wonder what will happen when an extra fifty or a hundred pounds  renders  them completely isolated from the rest of the world.

What  will happen to our society when the garbage that  passes as nutrition with a big FDA stamp of approval has redesigned our bodies and stolen our ability to be productive human beings?

Will only the rich be able to dance, play tennis, go walking or hiking, take a swim on a hot day, fly to an exotic destination in a regular aircraft for a week of total relaxation? Will we live to see a time when a movie like Surrogates is a documentary?

He who controls the food supply rules the world. I hope it’s true that food brings us together, because we’re going to have to fight for this one.

Forget Fat! Get Healthy!

I wasn’t sure if I would continue this blog or write another. I’m opting for the latter. One thing I’m absolutely sure about is that I will keep at the gym thing and make it work for me. I like exercising out of the house, even if it is inside a gym.

Being healthy is what I care about now. You can only say so much about fat and food addictions and then it’s time to take action. This is my time to take action.

What Scripps Research proved in March I have known since the first time I had a blackout from hypoglycemia brought on by eating too much candy. Now it’s time to live a new life.

You can’t fix an addiction, even if it is only a food addiction. You have to choose a new life and live it to the best of your ability.

I will check in from time to time until the new blog is ready. I’m ready to lose the weight so it’s time I put all the knowledge and information aside and do what I know to do.

Forget about fat and get healthy. Have a kickass healthy life. Healthy is better than anything. It makes everything else possible.

If you have a story you would like to share, step up and comment so you can inspire others as they have (hopefully) inspired you.


Food Addiction and Exercise

Today I joined a gym. I’m tired of being overweight so I signed up for a 16-week program at a gym that is only a couple of miles from my home. Then I went home and binged, but only slightly.

My life has been particularly stressful the last two years and the binge eating isn’t helping anymore. At first there is some feeling of relief, and that may last for some people, but it isn’t working for me anymore.

Being overweight makes part of you fade away. Even though you take up more space, you feel invisible. It’s a very emotional experience that gets more stressful as you gain more weight.

Some people can go on an emotional eating binge now and then, put on a few pounds and then take them off. But for a person with a food addiction, those emotional upsets always seem out of proportion as do the binges that follow.

I walked on my treadmill almost every day for the past three or four years. Recently I was injured and missed almost six months, then it was the flu for two weeks, and now the tread has started slipping.

There are diets, exercises, weight loss programs, and pills that promise a flat tummy or toned backside in some short period of time. Then you see the women in bikinis, sleeveless dresses, all  smiles.

If they can do it, why can’t you, you ask yourself. And so you give it a half-hearted try and lose a few pounds.

Then something unpleasant happens and the food addict will likely give in to a binge because that’s what we do when the stress of imagining oneself in good shape, happy, enjoying ourselves in a social situation is too intimidating, too overwhelming.

So let’s see how the gym experience goes. Perhaps the exercise will prove a good substitute for overeating in times of stress.

We shall see.