Tonight I want to share with you some information about a product I have been taking for about three years now. It’s called Frutaiga. You say it fru-tie’-guh.
It decreases stress, helps me sleep better, improves sex drive, and it helped me get rid of my night blindness. That was really cool. I don’t have to wear glasses when I drive at night anymore.
The main reason it works so well is because of what’s in it. Not just the ingredients, which are all natural, but the fact that they grow under the worst possible conditions in one of the coldest regions in the world.
I think that’s significant because the harsh climate makes them hardy and very effective. If they can survive in Siberia, then maybe they could survive anywhere.
It’s kind of like wild salmon swimming upstream. They have to go through such an ordeal to get to their destination that you would naturally expect them to be stronger than salmon that are raised on a salmon farm.
So it would stand to reason that they would be healthier than their pampered, farm-raised counterparts. I happen to prefer the taste of wild Alaskan Salmon myself, and it doesn’t stretch my imagination too much to think they just might be healthier, too.
A butcher at a Kosher market I frequented when I lived in Connecticut once told me that the difference between kosher meat and regular meat was that if the animal hadn’t been killed, it would have lived anyway.
If we want to feel energetic, healthy, sexy, and ready for anything, we need to take better care of ourselves and pay closer attention to what we put in our bodies.
Overcoming a food addiction means that you have to give your body and/or spirit, what it needs so you won’t be pulled by some overpowering gravitational force toward a behavior that undermines everything you want for yourself.
It’s either feed the spirit, feed the body, or feed the addiction.
The product I was telling you about, Frutaiga, is a very special drink, like an elixir or something.
It nourishes the body, calms the spirit, and relieves some of the stress that leads to the panic and trapped feeling that causes uncontrollable overeating.
Food addictions are manifestations of unresolved conflicts hidden so deep inside that it sometimes takes years to identify them, let alone deal with them.
Nourishing your body in a way that helps it begin the healing process is a good start.
Remember, one thing at a time. Keep it simple so you won’t be overwhelmed with a list of things you won’t remember or want to do.
If you want to get some life back into you, don’t go for the high-caffiene, fast-acting and short-lived energy drinks. Try something that will help you start to heal your body.
Now, there are lots of things you can do for yourself, and I don’t want to push anything on you. This is just something that works for a lot of people, especially women people.
So, if you want to add something to your daily regimen that can do great things for your health, this is definitely one of the best things on the market.
That’s all I have for now. Click on the Fabulous Frutaiga link on the right and when the page comes up, click on Products, then look in the directory for Frutaiga Case and click there.
Till tomorrow……………….have a great night!